Sunday, August 10, 2008


I am dedicating this blog to my nephew Steven who inspired so many by his valient fight against cancer. I know I will never be the same from witnessing this unsuccessful fight. I say unsuccessful as it didn't end the way we all wished but in some ways it was successful in that it touched so many. He will be missed as long as any of us who loved him remain behind.

As this is the start of my blog, I thought I would introduce what I would like to do. I hope to provide in this blog some reflections on music, both new and old. I also will post some of my favorite recipes as the urge hits me. And I will post my reactions to what is happening in the world. I tend to get pretty ramped up by the actions or inactions of our government.

I am closing my first blog with lyrices from a John Stewart song that express my feelings, way better than I could.

I often get the feeling that I'm talking to the wind
And no one hears, no one listens in
and then I start singing and music makes the whole world feel like home
Sing a song and you're not alone

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